Sept. 12 Update from SHA regarding Riggs Road and Campus Drive Crossings

Sept. 12, 2011

The SHA follows procedures outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to determine when and where traffic control devices should be installed.  A study of the existing bicycle accommodations at the MD 193/Campus Drive turn ramp and the MD 193/Adelphi Road eastbound and westbound right-turn lanes has been conducted.  It has been determined that, because there are no existing designated bike lanes at these locations, we are unable to install skip-striping to denote a space for cyclists crossing the ramp at Campus Drive nor rumble strips along the right-turn lane on MD 193 approaching Adelphi Road.  As it is not consistent with the SHA Policy for Accommodating Bicycles and Pedestrians on State Highways, SHA continues to make accommodations for bicycling and walking an integral element of projects and planning, where possible.  However, we will install “Bicycles May Use Full Lane” signing approaching the right turn lane onto Campus Drive to inform motorists that there are bicyclists present and may take the full lane to navigate the intersection. The sign installation typically takes 60 days to complete weather and scheduling permitting.

 In regards to our field meeting on July 1, 2011, where you requested we add a crosswalk along MD 212 at Drexel Street, we are pleased to inform you that the signal design is underway for this location. The design will implement a crossing on MD 212 and restripe the existing crossing on Drexel Street. We will update the existing signal equipment to include audible pedestrian signals (APS) and countdown pedestrian signals (CPS). Construction for this project is expected to begin in July 2012.


If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact my Team Leader for Traffic, Ms. Shaneka Owens, at 301-513-7424 or 1-800-749-0737.  Ms. Owens will be pleased to assist you.





Felecia Murphy

Assistant District Engineer-Traffic (Prince George’s County)

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